Sunday, October 17, 2010

Glimpses of everyday life

Jampa visiting us in our humble abode on Jogiwara Road.
He's as kind and caring as you would expect, giving Lixian juice to quicken her recovery.
And he can answer all my questions about Buddhism :)

Tashi Sangye making momos. I'll feed you all when I get back home!

The local hospital Tibetan Deleg.
Look at this sneaking nun trying to squeeze in front of Lixian. But to be fair, the line is long and if you're aiming for enlightenment in this lifetime...

Some of the students and the volunteers at the Tashi Choeling Monastery.
I look huge next to Dorkhai, one of two female students in my class.

Lobsang, Dawa (his name means moon) and Kenrab. Dawa's my favourite student.

Lixian at night... Hehehe... It is pretty cold sometimes.

Yes to condom. No to AIDS
The tag line of medicine bags from the hospital.


  1. Hei Elise, når er du tilbake fra India? Håper du har hatt en flott og uforglemmelig tid! Vi er nettopp kommet hjem fra Venezia. Hilsen Hanne og Arno

  2. what is the nature of Lixian's sykdom?? god bedring, spedbarn!

  3. Hei tante Hanne og Arno! Jeg reiser hjem om en uke. Haaper dere har hatt det bra paa alle reisene deres! Du maa sende meg e-postadressen din igjen.

    Jeff, Lixian's ailments skyldes en parasite(!) She's getting better by the minute, but it's been hard on her, stakkars.
